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The Club has been running since 2006. Since then, we have given out Organisations we have helped the organisations listed through donations totalling almost £100,000 by 2015
Alzheimers, Archie foundation, Barnardo's/Special Needs, Beauly Brownies, Birchwood Highland, Buckie Rotary - Harbour Walk, Cantrabridge, CHAS, Children 1st, Ciry Amateur Boxing, Crocus , Crossroads, District 1010 Schools 4 Africa, Erskine House, Fistula Foundation, For the Right Reasons, Fort George (via Nairn RC), Foundation:, Foundation: Polio Plus, Foundation: Water Aid, Health & Happyness, Heart Foundation, Highland Bears, Highland Facilitator Team, Highland Hospice, Innerwheel, Inverness Skating Club, Japan Aid, Ladies Section, L'Arche, Merkinch Centre, Munlochy Animal Aid, Nepal Water Aid (Via Elgin RC), Panto: Highland Homeless Trust, Panto: MFR Cash for Kids, Panto: Schiehallion Ward, Pink Panther, Poppy Scotland, Project Trust, RBLS (Ladies Section), RNLI, Road to Recovery, RYLA Camp, Samaritans, Samsung Black Belt Academy, Seagul Trust, Shelterbox, Sounds Familiar, Springboard, Student Photography Prize, Students to Africa, V Smith - Blythswood Romania, Yorkhill, Youth Inclusive
Past projects

The Club started a charity shop in the town centre in December 2012, initially for a week, then 2 weeks.... then a year, before passing it over to a comittee of interested volunteers who rant it for a further year.

Who says that Panto's happen at Christmas!. In October 2011 Riverside put on a 2 night show, using a script specially written just for us!.

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